by: Andi Andrew

Denial. If I don’t own it, God can’t change it.

If I can’t admit it, I won’t submit it.⠀
Listen, I’m not surprised when Christian leaders or human beings fall. Why? Because I’m a human being, and I know what I’m capable of without confessing my sin, repenting and submitting my life to God and a small circle of Godly friends who I let hold me accountable. And as a mentor said to me in my early 20’s “You’re only as accountable as you want to be.” No one can force us to admit our weakness and sin. No one can force us to place it in the light where it’s robbed of its power. Only we can conjure up the grit and bravery to make that phone call, send that text and willingly step out of denial and into confession. Let’s not fool ourselves - there’s a reason why Jesus came, and we desperately need His saving grace on a daily basis.

If I don’t own it, God can’t change it.
Speaking of grace, denial of our issues stops us from receiving Gods amazing grace to see said issues healed, transformed and changed. I’m in a Celebrate Recovery group as we speak, and stepping out of denial is the first step towards real change. No one in my group can make me tell the truth or be honest with myself, only I can do that. I have been astounded as I open up my life, how the Grace of God keeps flooding into my weakness. And in that sacred space, His strength is made perfect.

He can’t heal what I won’t surrender.
If I don’t lay it on the alter, he can’t resurrect it with His new life and healing. There’s a reason why Jesus said, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” (Luke 9:23) We can’t have new life without death of the old.

If I won’t face it, He can’t replace it.
Our God is in the business of restoration. He wants to replace our pain, our past, our hopelessness, our lack and so much more with the fullness of who He is. But we have to choose to face our pain with Jesus, and walk into our healing and restoration hand in hand with The One who has come to set us free.




Andi Andrew is the author of She Is Free, Fake or Follower, and her newest book which is coming out October 2021, Friendship–It's Complicated. She is also the founding Pastor of Liberty Church, a multisite church she pioneered with her husband Paul in 2010. In 2015 she launched She Is Free, a movement that exists to engage and equip women to encounter God and expand the Kingdom. Currently, Andi's life is focused on raising her four kids in Brooklyn, writing books, creating for her show and podcast Coffee With Andi, building Liberty Church, and traveling to invest in churches and lives all around the world.

Website: www.andiandrew.com
Instagram: @andiandrew
Facebook: @andiandrew.page
Twitter: @andiandrew