by: Camille Johnson

Back in 2016, I was tired. I was unhappy in my job. I had been dealing with PTSD from a traumatic experience and trying to cope with becoming a wife after years of perceived “freedom” and “independence”. Don’t get me wrong, it is a gift and privilege to be a woman in this world because we each truly carry strength, tenderness, and innovation. But I felt like I was running on empty. It wasn’t until I was re-introduced to Jesus that I realized I was carrying myself in my own strength and doing things in my own volition.

I praise the Lord for the strengths and gifts that he has placed in me, but it wasn’t until I allowed Jesus into my heart and life (for real this time), that I realized that I am only one piece of the puzzle. Making space for God became practical and real for me for the first time ever. What I realized is that he had been pursuing me in every area of my life for years (and I am convinced that He is pursuing you, too).

Making the decision, and allowing myself to fall into His care unlocked so many areas of freedom in my life. With the Lord, we can take inventory of every corner of our lives: relationships, health, our body, finances, intimacy, jobs, our mind, our space. What I am realizing in this lifelong process and covenant with the Lord is that freedom is not something that necessarily looks like full control, confidence, and knowledge of everything. It also doesn’t mean that we have to be everything to everyone around us. Freedom happens when we realize that we cannot do it in our own strength and that He holds the space where we fall short. He fills up the empty space with the most colorful illumination, and there are other women in this world who want to participate in and partner with you in this walk with Jesus.

She is Free is special to me because back in 2016 a friend invited me to the conference when I didn’t realize that I needed it most. While there, I felt the presence of the Lord and got saved! (Honestly, a miracle!) Perhaps you are the friend that is extending the invitation or maybe you are me back in 2016. If you are, here is my invitation to you - you are worthy of a father who cares about you deeply.




Instagram: @camillesjohnson