by: Hannah Boyd

Imagine a blonde, 7-year-old, “spirited” little girl. Rocking square cut bangs with glasses that covered most of her face, attending a private Christian school. The type where you have to wear khakis and memorize scripture. If you haven’t guessed, this little girl is me.

I was given the task of memorizing the entirety of Psalm 91. Attached to the completion of this task was a full hour of recess. Challenge accepted! I learned a few verses at a time until the entire chapter was as easy to recite as the ABC’s. And boy was I PROUD. I would recite it as much as possible. I couldn’t do a backflip or a split, but bet your lunch money I could quote that scripture without flaw! I recited it at church, family gatherings and the grocery story. If someone came to visit, it was time for my GRAND PERFORMANCE!

Fast forward to college (I finally grew my bangs out FYI), I found myself in a dark place. Many of us can relate to the existential crisis faced during college years. That, coupled with several other hardships, I felt alone, misunderstood, and crippled by the idea that I was without purpose.

I had a moment with God that led me to the passage that I had endlessly recited more than a decade before.

“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust.” Psalm 91:1-2

I had forsaken the safety of trusting God. He had made me a promise. I read it and had recited it hundreds of times. I just had forgotten.

I already had the keys to my breakthrough. The exact word from God I needed was inside of me.

I want to encourage you today.

- Pray not only prayers of deliverance, but prayers of remembrance. You may already have your answers - you may have just forgotten.
- Revisit scripture that you haven’t read in while. Scripture is a letter to us, and with each new season it may have new meaning to get us through. (Psalms 119:11).
- Keep in mind that breakthrough isn’t always loud. 1 Kings 19:12 gives us a picture of God speaking with “a still, small voice.”

I pray that you hear & feel Him in whatever you’re facing today.

🤍 Hannah


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Instagram: @heyhannahboyd