by: Zinty Ncube

Waiting. Everyone experiences it. We all have the opportunity to grow in freedom as we wait. Currently, I am waiting on a lot of things. Some relatively small like waiting for the next episode of The Chosen to be released, others incredibly huge like the promise that God gave my husband and I regarding having our own biological children. A few years back, I was overwhelmed as I waited for the promise of children and the physical healing that accompanied that. I was so overwhelmed that I almost became a prisoner of the promise-gazing at and longing for what was ahead so much that I missed what was right in front of me.

Over the years, I have and am still navigating the tension of being present while I wait with expectation for what’s to come. Every month as I am reminded that the waiting for children continues, I choose to be fully present in this season. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it. Recently, I read about Hannah who had a desire and cried out to God so passionately that the priest, Eli, thought she was drunk! What I love most about her is that as she waited for what she asked God for, she allowed God to use the season of waiting to prepare her for the promise. We can be a prisoner of the promise or we can be a student of the process.

Hannah clung to God’s promise and submitted to His process. Because of that, she gave birth to a son who led a nation transitioning out of a difficult season into a pivotal time. Samuel was able to lead the nation through rough waters with a sweet spirit because his mother allowed God to keep her spirit sweet even as she waited. As I wait for children and many other promises of God, I cling to the words of Psalm 131, “ Lord, my heart is meek before you. I don’t consider myself better than others. I’m content to not pursue matters that are over my head—such as your complex mysteries and wonders—that I’m not yet ready to understand. I am humbled and quieted in your presence. Like a content child who rests on its mother’s lap, I’m your resting child and my soul is content in you. O people of God, your time has come to quietly trust, waiting upon the Lord now and forever.”




I have been married to Lue since September 2009. The vision God gave our family is to teach people the truth and help them love it. We do this mainly through our role as pastors of Liberty Church Manzini. We also write, make and teach music. As I wait for the promise of biological children, I love to mother my nieces & nephews and the many children we interact with in our community. I love being around people, reorganizing our house and learning new things.

YouTube: Lue & Zinty Music
Instagram: @zinthamboandlungile @lueandzintymusic