by: Chari Orozco

Exceedingly, abundantly, above all I could ask or imagine.

I used to think the above statement was a place. Perhaps a season of my life I’d eventually get to when I had a certain amount of money, or car, or kids, or the absence of my everyday struggles that plague me. But it’s not.

It’s God’s best for me, not my best for me.

It’s a surrendered mindset that understands that what God has for you is better than what you could ever dream up in your mind and for yourself.

It’s finally surrendering, it’s living at the edge of yourself and allowing God to take-over. It’s a bit scary in the Exceedingly, abundantly, above all I could ask or imagine cos I never asked for this stuff or this season, or thought I was qualified to sustain it, but here ( in the surrendered ) I just have to stay surrendered.

So, stop striving for the better and just surrender to the best.

This doesn’t mean you won’t accomplish your dreams; it just means when you do they may not be as satisfying as you hoped - as you can’t find peace or true satisfaction apart from HIS dreams for you. So if you can embrace this Exceedingly, abundantly, above all I could ask or imagine mindset now — life will look and feel and be different - and above all you could ever ask or imagine. True story.




Chari is an author, teacher, podcaster, and show runner. She is passionate about sharing the love of Jesus and using her gifts of speaking, writing, and design to positively impact the lives of those around her and to build the local church. When Chari isn’t working, you can find her reading too many books at once and hanging out with her husband, Esteban, who alongside Chari leads the boutique art house, The Nómada Group.

Website: www.icryincorners.com